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Young people services

Redbridge – Bewize

Get help

Via – Bewize

We can offer you free, friendly and confidential sexual health advice and support.

If you are aged between 15 and 25 years old and live, study or work in Redbridge, we are here to help.

You can:

  • Order free and discreet STI test kits
  • Get free condoms

You can also get non-judgmental help and advice around:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Safer sex
  • Consent
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Pregnancy and emergency contraception
  • LGBTQ+ advice and support

We can also offer awareness raising sessions for young people in need of extra support around sex and relationships. Any professional make a referral for a one-off session using our Referral Form.

Get in touch

Phone: 0300 303 4551
Text: 07403 868 304