20 July 2020

WDP joins Collective Voice


We are pleased to announce that WDP has joined the national alliance of drug and alcohol treatment charities, Collective Voice.

Collective Voice was created in 2015 by voluntary sector organisations coming together to ensure the voice of the drug and alcohol treatment sector, and the people who use its services, was heard in policy and political discussions. Its members offer support to over 200,000 vulnerable adults and young people annually across the country and now that WDP has become a part of Collective Voice, there are 10 members in total.

Yasmin Batliwala, Chair, said: “We are delighted to have joined colleagues in the sector in order to provide a strong unifying voice to support the cause and share best practice. There is so much more we can achieve together than we can do alone. The resilience of the entire sector post COVID pandemic is of concern, and we need to work together – as well as with partners in government – to ensure that in 2021 we not only have an Addictions Strategy which is fit for purpose but that the future of all such services remain secure.”

To read more about this news, visit www.collectivevoice.org.uk/news/the-forward-trust-and-wdp-join-collective-voice/.